Wednesday, August 28, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Claude Artifacts" but creating real web apps

Show HN: Claude Artifacts" but creating real web apps
20 by antonoo | 8 comments on Hacker News.
Hey Hacker News! Launching into beta today. It's like Claude Artifacts, but: - you can edit the code in your fav IDE (two-way github sync) - installs npm packages - automatically picks up build and runtime errors and fixes them - very fast, built with rust The full stack capabilities are built on supabase (prefer to not have to handle auth + user data at this point so this is owned by the user) The seed for this project was an open source experiment, posted about that previously here: Would love feedback if you give it a try!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Why don't we have personalized search engines?

Why don't we have personalized search engines?
16 by enether | 16 comments on Hacker News.
- Search as it is today sucks - Google is an ad-engine, not a search engine - SEO is gamed all the time The end result is a search result that isn't that valuable. Why isn't there a tool that allows me to: - search good content I've read - search curated (from other people I trust) content - search books and other paid material I have bought - search my notes (that are scattered throughout 5 apps) All in one?

New top story on Hacker News: Guy Davenport–The Last High Modernist

Guy Davenport–The Last High Modernist
3 by Caiero | 0 comments on Hacker News.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Tree-sitter Integration for Swift

Show HN: Tree-sitter Integration for Swift
9 by daspoon | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I have created a Swift package ( ) enabling tree-sitter parsers to be written in Swift; specifically, as an array of production rules which map symbol types to pairings of syntax expression and type constructor. A member macro derives a tree-sitter grammar and embeds the generated parser in its expansion. This project is a work in progress, and I will be grateful for any feedback. Thanks, Dave

Monday, August 19, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Google Ads Rejected My SaaS as Compromised Site

Ask HN: Google Ads Rejected My SaaS as Compromised Site
22 by madjam002 | 15 comments on Hacker News.
I’m a solo founder and really struggling to get Google Ads running for my website. My site always gets flagged as Compromised Site and Malicious Software, even though I’ve done several checks that shows it’s clean. Even Google’s own Safe Browsing shows it as clean. Their latest feedback after appealing suggests I change from a to .com to resolve the issue which seems like complete nonsense. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this? All of my competitors are running ads and it’s extremely frustrating as a solo founder that I am unable to do so. Will post my website on request as I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post it.

New top story on Hacker News: Wafris – an Open Source Web Application Firewall that lives in your stack

Wafris – an Open Source Web Application Firewall that lives in your stack
6 by ezekg | 2 comments on Hacker News.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Denormalized – Embeddable Stream Processing in Rust and DataFusion

Show HN: Denormalized – Embeddable Stream Processing in Rust and DataFusion
20 by ambrood | 4 comments on Hacker News.
tl;dr we built an embeddable stream processing engine in Rust using apache DataFusion, check us out at Hey HN, We’d like to showcase a very early version of our embeddable stream processing engine called Denormalized. The rise of DuckDB has abundantly made it clear that even for many workloads of Terabyte scale, a single node system outshines the distributed query engines of previous generation such as Spark, Snowflake etc in terms of both performance and cost. Now a lot of workloads DuckDB is used for were normally considered to be “big data” in the previous generation, but no more. In the context of streaming especially, this problem is more acute. A streaming system is designed to incrementally process large amounts of data over a period of time. Even on the upper end of scale, productionized use-cases of stream processing are rarely performing compute on more than tens of gigabytes of data at a given time. Even so, the standard stream processing solutions such as Flink involve spinning up a distributed JVM cluster to even compute against the simplest of event streams. To that end, we’re building Denormalized designed to be embeddable in your applications and scale up to hundreds of thousands of events per second with a Flink-like dataflow API. While we currently only support Rust, we have plans for Python and Typescript bindings soon. We’re built atop DataFusion and the Arrow ecosystems and currently support streaming joins as well as windowed aggregations on Kafka topics. Please check out out repo at: We’d love to hear your feedback.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How different is AWS/GCP/Azure in everyday work

Ask HN: How different is AWS/GCP/Azure in everyday work
21 by michal_kluczek | 14 comments on Hacker News.
I've almost exclusively been working with GCP for years, with very few occasions when I've created some resources in AWS (I'm managing infra using terraform). When looking a job now, it's very common that I'm rejected before TI because I wasn't working with AWS. Is it really so fundamentally different from GCP or any other cloud provider for that matter? I have a wild feeling that 80-90% of the products all cloud providers offer are same toys but with different names and integrations mechanisms. There are surely some quirks that are exclusive for a specific cloud provider, but is it really that many to stifle your performance?