Monday, April 22, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: What Are You Working On?

Show HN: What Are You Working On?
16 by egcodes | 4 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, I'm sure you've seen the monthly "Ask HN: What Are You Working On?" headlines on [Hacker News]( ). Honestly, it's my favorite topic because it's packed with insights about what other hackers are up to. I wondered what it would be like if instead of just a headline, there was a whole website where hackers could post daily updates, and where we could follow the hackers we're interested in for their latest updates. And so, this web site was born. I hope it gets used frequently so we can all benefit from it together. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Let me know what you think!

Friday, April 19, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Composable (as in iGoogle, but modern) privacy-friendly new tab

Show HN: Composable (as in iGoogle, but modern) privacy-friendly new tab
4 by OlegWock | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I spent quite a lot of time working on this one over the last 1.5 years. It started as a small project for my personal use because I wanted to keep all my self-hosted services visible so I wouldn't forget they existed lol. Using a web page wasn't ideal because of the white flicker every time I opened a new tab, so I decided to make this into a browser extension. From that time on, it became a lot bigger and got some traction (which I'm very happy about). It's made with React, but I tried to squeeze maximum performance (limited by my skills and desire to keep it somewhat readable, though) out of it. UI/UX was a big priority for me in this project, so I also tried to streamline it as much as possible and make Anori a joy to use. If you decide to try it, let me know how good I did! Oh, and it's open source [1] and the process of adding new widgets is documented [2], so you can make your own! [1]: [2]:

New top story on Hacker News: When MIT and Quaker Oats conducted experiments on unsuspecting young boys

When MIT and Quaker Oats conducted experiments on unsuspecting young boys
16 by whatamidoingyo | 2 comments on Hacker News.

Friday, April 5, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What is the most useless project you have worked on?

Ask HN: What is the most useless project you have worked on?
79 by panqueca | 103 comments on Hacker News.
If you're feeling useless, remember that I exist. Let me give you some context. I work in the pipeline automation department of a company. Last month, our team decided to deprecate an internal tool due to several maintenance issues. So we created a pipeline that automates the implementation of this legacy tool, in case other teams needed to use it. (WHAT???) This month, a guy in my team found some improvement scenarios in the automation. So I was chosen to implement this changes in this legacy internal tool. The thing is, after I finished the adjustments, my pull requests are not getting approved due to adjustments meticulously requested by this guy in my team. Adjustments to make the pipeline automation even more resilient in complete unlikely scenarios. But this same week, my TL sent notices to all the other teams informing them that this internal tool has been deprecated and they should no longer use it. So what sense does it make to have a pipeline automation that implements the use of the deprecated tool? And if it has been deprecated, why would I need to make an adjustment for the automation to be even resilient if no one should be able to use it anymore? So why am I being allocated to work on in such waste of time like it? (WTF???) This makes me wonder, how many people have to work on something that they see no sense in doing at all. So once again, if you're feeling useless, remember that I exist.

New top story on Hacker News: Deep sea mining could be worse for the climate than land ores

Deep sea mining could be worse for the climate than land ores
7 by neom | 1 comments on Hacker News.