Friday, May 10, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: NASA's Roman Mission Will Hunt for Primordial Black Holes

NASA's Roman Mission Will Hunt for Primordial Black Holes
8 by gmays | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: An informal comparison of the three major implementations of std:string

An informal comparison of the three major implementations of std:string
13 by tyoma | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Meemaw – Trustless and grandma-friendly wallet as a service

Show HN: Meemaw – Trustless and grandma-friendly wallet as a service
18 by marceaul | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, Marceau here, founder of Meemaw. I was working on a different project (communities with better aligned incentives) for which I needed users to have access to a crypto wallet. I couldn't afford users to have to deal with private keys and what not, and I did not feel comfortable being locked to a non-transparent third-party provider for something as important. So I built an internal "wallet-as-a-service" around audited librairies. I dropped the original project since then and that service evolved into Meemaw. Many "web3 projects" would be better off without any web3 component. But if you do need your users to have a wallet, there are a few good reasons to use something like Meemaw: - great UX (no faffing around with private keys or seed phrases, easily customisable) - great DX (get up and running quickly, integrate with your existing system easily) - more secure (MPC, trustless) - low dependency risk (you've always got the option to self-host or export existing wallets) If you'd like a refresher on MPC wallets or Wallet-as-a-Service, I did my best to explain it without BS industry jargon: If you have Docker and Node installed on your machine, you can have a full example running in less than 5 minutes: You can already self-host Meemaw, and there will soon be cloud hosting as well, with the option to easily switch from one to the other at any time. The closed-source competitors are all (very) well-funded, but I think we can provide a better developer experience with higher security and reduced dependency risks. Right now, Meemaw is probably not ready for production, but we'll get there sooner rather than later. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated to continue moving in the right direction :)

Monday, April 22, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: What Are You Working On?

Show HN: What Are You Working On?
16 by egcodes | 4 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, I'm sure you've seen the monthly "Ask HN: What Are You Working On?" headlines on [Hacker News]( ). Honestly, it's my favorite topic because it's packed with insights about what other hackers are up to. I wondered what it would be like if instead of just a headline, there was a whole website where hackers could post daily updates, and where we could follow the hackers we're interested in for their latest updates. And so, this web site was born. I hope it gets used frequently so we can all benefit from it together. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Let me know what you think!

Friday, April 19, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Composable (as in iGoogle, but modern) privacy-friendly new tab

Show HN: Composable (as in iGoogle, but modern) privacy-friendly new tab
4 by OlegWock | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I spent quite a lot of time working on this one over the last 1.5 years. It started as a small project for my personal use because I wanted to keep all my self-hosted services visible so I wouldn't forget they existed lol. Using a web page wasn't ideal because of the white flicker every time I opened a new tab, so I decided to make this into a browser extension. From that time on, it became a lot bigger and got some traction (which I'm very happy about). It's made with React, but I tried to squeeze maximum performance (limited by my skills and desire to keep it somewhat readable, though) out of it. UI/UX was a big priority for me in this project, so I also tried to streamline it as much as possible and make Anori a joy to use. If you decide to try it, let me know how good I did! Oh, and it's open source [1] and the process of adding new widgets is documented [2], so you can make your own! [1]: [2]:

New top story on Hacker News: When MIT and Quaker Oats conducted experiments on unsuspecting young boys

When MIT and Quaker Oats conducted experiments on unsuspecting young boys
16 by whatamidoingyo | 2 comments on Hacker News.

Friday, April 5, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What is the most useless project you have worked on?

Ask HN: What is the most useless project you have worked on?
79 by panqueca | 103 comments on Hacker News.
If you're feeling useless, remember that I exist. Let me give you some context. I work in the pipeline automation department of a company. Last month, our team decided to deprecate an internal tool due to several maintenance issues. So we created a pipeline that automates the implementation of this legacy tool, in case other teams needed to use it. (WHAT???) This month, a guy in my team found some improvement scenarios in the automation. So I was chosen to implement this changes in this legacy internal tool. The thing is, after I finished the adjustments, my pull requests are not getting approved due to adjustments meticulously requested by this guy in my team. Adjustments to make the pipeline automation even more resilient in complete unlikely scenarios. But this same week, my TL sent notices to all the other teams informing them that this internal tool has been deprecated and they should no longer use it. So what sense does it make to have a pipeline automation that implements the use of the deprecated tool? And if it has been deprecated, why would I need to make an adjustment for the automation to be even resilient if no one should be able to use it anymore? So why am I being allocated to work on in such waste of time like it? (WTF???) This makes me wonder, how many people have to work on something that they see no sense in doing at all. So once again, if you're feeling useless, remember that I exist.

New top story on Hacker News: Deep sea mining could be worse for the climate than land ores

Deep sea mining could be worse for the climate than land ores
7 by neom | 1 comments on Hacker News.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Going from CTO to Developer?

Ask HN: Going from CTO to Developer?
4 by thatguyagain | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Let's say you work as a CTO at a failing startup, and you are tired of all the responsibilities, management, etc, and you just want to go back to being a productive developer and write code again. Will this be perceived as a stupid career move or will people understand? Is it a bad move? Asking for a friend.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: I built an interactive plotter art exhibit for SIGGRAPH

Show HN: I built an interactive plotter art exhibit for SIGGRAPH
11 by cosiiine | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I'm enthralled with using pen plotters to make generative art. Last August at SIGGRAPH, I built an interactive experience for others to see how code can be used to make visual art. The linked blog post is my trials and tribulations of linking a MIDI controller to one of these algorithms and sending its output to a plotter, so that people may witness the end-to-end experience.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Interactive Smartlog VSCode Extension – An Interactive Git GUI

Show HN: Interactive Smartlog VSCode Extension – An Interactive Git GUI
13 by tnesbitt210 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Interactive Smartlog is a graphical VSCode extension that presents a simplified view of the Git log, directly highlighting the branches and commits that are most relevant to your current work. And it's not just a visual tool — it's fully interactive, allowing you to add/switch/remove branches, stage/unstage files, and manage commits directly from the GUI. This tool draws inspiration from Meta's Interactive Smartlog built for the Sapling source control system, and I've adapted it to work with Git. Transitioning the functionality from Sapling to Git wasn't just about a one-to-one feature transfer; it involved changing how data is queried & presented, as well as introducing UI interactions for several Git concepts (like branches, staging/unstaging changes, etc) which are not present in the Sapling source control system. Originally a personal project to enhance my own workflow, I've published the extension on the VSCode marketplace for anyone who would like to use it. I'm keen to hear your feedback and suggestions, as community input is invaluable in shaping its future updates.

Monday, March 11, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Speedometer 3.0: A shared browser benchmark for web application responsiveness

Speedometer 3.0: A shared browser benchmark for web application responsiveness
80 by cpeterso | 65 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Who uses Google TPUs for inference in production?

Who uses Google TPUs for inference in production?
19 by arthurdelerue | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I am really puzzled by TPUs. I've been reading everywhere that TPUs are powerful and a great alternative to NVIDIA. I have been playing with TPUs for a couple of months now, and to be honest I don't understand how can people use them in production for inference: - almost no resources online showing how to run modern generative models like Mistral, Yi 34B, etc. on TPUs - poor compatibility between JAX and Pytorch - very hard to understand the memory consumption of the TPU chips (no nvidia-smi equivalent) - rotating IP addresses on TPU VMs - almost impossible to get my hands on a TPU v5 Is it only me? Or did I miss something? I totally understand that TPUs can be useful for training though.

Friday, March 8, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: My first software project – a website to set goals and track progress

Show HN: My first software project – a website to set goals and track progress
3 by eastoeast | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Two years ago, I started building this site that allows people to document their learning and progress in real time. The idea is: as you learn new things, you document your progress piece by piece, creating a collection of failures, breakthroughs, and knowledge. Along the way, your friends can cheer you on, and the community can give you tips and feedback. Over time, we'll create a public collection on how different problems were solved. With each progress, the site prompts you to reflect on questions like, "If you could go back in time, what do you wish you had known?" This was my first web dev project, and everything was self-taught. It's been both a great passion and a significant learning experience! All feedback is welcome, big or small. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Stack: Angular, Python/Postgres, AWS, PWA service workers for notifications.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Control Panel for YouTube

Show HN: Control Panel for YouTube
3 by insin | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, I recently released a new browser extension for YouTube, which in addition to the table stakes of hiding the existence of Shorts, hiding promoted content, automatically skipping ads, hiding useless/unused UI elements, hiding unwanted channels YouTube keeps recommending to you, letting you hide algorithmic suggestions etc. etc., makes other changes I've always wanted as a user, in the same vein as one of my other extensions, Control Panel for Twitter. The most significant of those is attempting to make your Subscriptions page more like an Inbox, by hiding videos you've already watched (with a configurable watch %), videos you're never going to watch (like live streams and multi-hour stream VODs - if you follow any gaming channels which started co-streaming to YouTube after a recent Twitch policy change), videos you literally can't watch (Upcoming), and improving the handling of videos hidden using YouTube's built-in Hide functionality, then finally filling in the gaps created by all those hidden videos, so unwatched content you're interested in (since you didn't Hide it yet!) floats to the top of your Subscriptions. Desktop and mobile versions of YouTube are both supported, with some version-specific features, e.g. it significantly improves the Subscriptions and Search page layout when doing some comfy-mode browsing of the mobile version on an iPad or other tablet in portrait mode (unfortunately the iOS version is still stuck in App Review limbo, despite the macOS version - which contains the exact same web extension code - being approved on initial submission almost 2 weeks ago). Part of the reason for finally making this (I've been meaning to improve the Subscriptions page for ages) was YouTube starting to go after uBlock Origin, which I can now disable on YouTube if it becomes necessary, without seeing any promoted content or ads. Website: Source:

New top story on Hacker News: Launch HN: SiLogy (YC W24) – Chip design and verification in the cloud

Launch HN: SiLogy (YC W24) – Chip design and verification in the cloud
14 by pkkim | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Hi everyone! We’re the cofounders of SiLogy ( ). We’re building chip design and verification tools to speed up the semiconductor development cycle. Here's a demo: Interest in designing new chips is growing, thanks to demand from AI and the predicted decline of Moore’s Law. All these chips need to be tested in simulation. Since the number of possible states grows exponentially with chip complexity, the need for verification is exploding. Chip developers already spend 70% of their time on testing. (See this video on the “verification gap”: ). Tooling hasn’t kept up. The state of the art in collaborative debugging is to walk to a coworker’s desk and point to an error in a log file or waveform file. Each chip company rolls out its own tooling and infra to deal with this—this was Kay’s (one of our cofounders) entire job at his last gig. But they want to work on chips, not devtools! The solutions they come up with are often inadequate and frustrating. That’s why we started SiLogy. SiLogy is a web app to manage the entire digital verification workflow. (“Digital verification” means testing the logic of the design and includes everything before the physical design of the chip. It’s the most time-consuming stage in verification.) We combine three capabilities: Test orchestration and running : The heart of our product is a CI tool that runs Verilator, a popular open-source simulator, in a Docker container. When you push to your repo or manually trigger a job in the UI, we install your dependencies and compile your binaries into a Docker image, and run your tests. You can also rerun a single test with custom arguments using the UI. Test results and statistics : We display logs from each test in the web app. We’re working on displaying waveform files in the app, too. We also keep track of passing and failing tests within each test suite, and we’re working on slick visualizations of test trends, to keep managers happy. :) Collaboration : soon you’ll be able to send a link to and leave a comment on a specific location within a log or waveform file, just like in Google Docs. Unlike generic CI tools, we focus on tight integration with verification workflows. When an assertion fails, we show you the source code where it happened. We’re hard at work on waveform viewing – soon you’ll be able to generate waves from a failing test, with the click of a button. Our roadmap includes support for the major commercial simulators: VCS, Xcelium, and Questa. We’re also working on a test gen framework based on Buck2 to statically declare tests for your post-commit runs, or programmatically generate thousands of tests for nightly regressions. We plan to sell seats, with discounts for individuals, startups, and research labs (we’re working on pricing). For now, we’re opening up guest registration so HN can play with what we hope is the future of design verification. We owe so much of what we know to this community and we’d be so grateful for any feedback. <3 You can sign up here, just press "Use guest email address" if you don't want to give up your email:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: My first programming project – userscripts to change forum UIs

Show HN: My first programming project – userscripts to change forum UIs
12 by willthereader | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, I'm Will. I'm 24, autistic, and have OCD tendencies. I'm learning to code and this is my first public project. I’d really appreciate your feedback and encouragement! This project lets me solve some of my OCD problems online. There are a couple of parts of the forums that I visit – Space Battles, Sufficient Velocity, and Questionable Questing – that I want to remove. Specifically, I hate seeing indicators of how much is left in a forum thread, because I keep thinking about how much content is left. It stops me from immersing myself in the story. It stressed me out. Before I learned to code, I'd use my hand to block the total chapter count so I could read the blurb and see the word count. I would do my best to ignore the page navigation bar except for the next page button, but I usually ended up failing. One of the reasons I always read in full-screen Safari is that I didn't have to see the tab name that always had the page number. I learned not to hover my cursor over the window because it would tell me the page number. This project is a series of userscripts that hide those indicators. I coded the userscripts in JavaScript, and I used as the system. Despite the fact I didn't know what a userscript was until I started coding them, AI assistance allowed me to code them with minimal help from my brother, Stevie. Khanmigo helped me plan, write, and debug code. ChatGPT taught me the theory. Part of the reason I coded a lot faster with the later userscripts is I knew enough to realize when AI was talking about something irrelevant and redirect it. One cool moment was when I correctly predicted I didn't need to code different userscripts for SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity because Sufficient Velocity used to be part of SpaceBattles. I find it relaxing not to have to worry about accidentally seeing the chapter count or the final page number. Maybe they’ll help one of you!

Friday, March 1, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (March 2024)

Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (March 2024)
18 by whoishiring | 76 comments on Hacker News.
Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format: Location: Remote: Willing to relocate: Technologies: RƩsumƩ/CV: Email: Readers: please only email these addresses to discuss work opportunities.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How would you go about meeting a bunch of new people IRL?

Ask HN: How would you go about meeting a bunch of new people IRL?
12 by dachworker | 21 comments on Hacker News.
This is part of my social anxiety therapy. I am trying to come up with strategies to meet hundreds of new people over the course of this year. The goal is not to build friendships but to have substantial "in the moment" interactions. Obviously a party of some sort would be the ideal place because I could maybe manage four or five such interactions over the course of the evening. But getting invited to parties is kinda challenging for me since I don't have many good contacts where I presently live. So I need other ideas...

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Nvidia's Chat with RTX is an AI chatbot that runs locally on your PC

Nvidia's Chat with RTX is an AI chatbot that runs locally on your PC
82 by nickthegreek | 85 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Kubetail – A private, real-time log viewer for Kubernetes clusters

Show HN: Kubetail – A private, real-time log viewer for Kubernetes clusters
3 by andres | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hi Everyone! Kubetail is a new project I've been working on. It's a private, real-time log viewer for Kubernetes clusters. You deploy it inside your cluster and access it via a web browser, like the Kubernetes Dashboard. Using kubetail, you can view logs in real-time from multiple Workload containers simultaneously. For example, you can view all the logs from the Pod containers running in a Deployment and the UI will update automatically as the pods come into and out of existence. Kubetail uses your in-cluster Kubernetes API so your logs are always in your possession and it's private by default. Currently you can filter logs based on node properties such as availability zone, CPU architecture or node ID and we have plans for a lot more features coming up. Here's a live demo: Check it out and let me know what you think! Andres

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: The Far Side – By Gary Larson

The Far Side – By Gary Larson
11 by keepamovin | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Telescope – Hassle-free company research

Show HN: Telescope – Hassle-free company research
9 by GRVYDEV | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN. I recently started a company and found myself constantly doing company research for competitors, prospective customers, and outbound leads. As an engineer, I found it challenging to figure out where to get up-to-date company information as well as tedious needing to visit multiple sites often. I built Telescope to solve that problem. Under the hood, Telescope performs multiple search queries the same way I would and synthesizes the results for me. This is very much a WIP but I would love for you to try it out and let me know what you think. Over the next couple of weeks, I plan on continuing to improve Telescope and add more features. Cheers :)

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Benchmarks and comparison of LLM AI models and API hosting providers

Benchmarks and comparison of LLM AI models and API hosting providers
30 by Gcam | 7 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, provides objective benchmarks and analysis of LLM AI models and API hosting providers so you can compare which to use in your next (or current) project. The site consolidates different quality benchmarks, pricing information and our own technical benchmarking data. Technical benchmarking (throughput, latency) is conducted through sending API requests every 3 hours. Check out the site at , and our twitter at Twitter thread with initial insights: All feedback is welcome and happy to discuss methodology, etc.

Friday, January 12, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Conway's Game of Life, but with a gallery of other peoples patterns

Show HN: Conway's Game of Life, but with a gallery of other peoples patterns
6 by Dave_Bruwer | 4 comments on Hacker News.
This is my spin on Conway's Game of Life. I have added the ability to create an account, save grids that you have discovered, and browse the gallery of grids saved by other people and replay them. This project has served as a sandbox for me to practice various aspects of developing a comprehensive web application from scratch. This was my first time developing a full scale web app with [almost] all the features you would expect. I know it is nowhere near perfect in its current state, but I feel it has reached a point of diminishing returns, and therefore my time is better spent focussing on other projects with more potential. I may continue to develop this project further in the future just for fun.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Quickwit – OSS Alternative to Elasticsearch, Splunk, Datadog

Show HN: Quickwit – OSS Alternative to Elasticsearch, Splunk, Datadog
12 by francoismassot | 6 comments on Hacker News.
Hi folks, Quickwit cofounder here. We started Quickwit 3 years ago with a POC, "Searching the web for under $1000/month" (see HN discussions [0]), with the goal of making a robust OSS alternative to Elasticsearch / Splunk / Datadog. We have reached a significant milestone with our latest release (0.7) [1], as we have witnessed users of the nightly version of Quickwit deploy clusters with hundreds of nodes, ingest hundreds of terabytes of data daily, and enjoy considerable cost savings. To give you a concrete example, one company is ingesting hundreds of terabytes of logs daily and migrating from Elasticsearch to Quickwit. They divided their compute costs by 5x and storage costs by 2x while increasing retention from 3 to 30 days. They also increased their durability, accuracy with exactly-once semantics thanks to the native Kafka support, and elasticity. The 0.7 release also brings better integrations with the Observability ecosystem: improvements of the Elasticsearch-compatible API and better support of OpenTelemetry standards, Grafana, and Jaeger. Of course, we still have a lot of work to be a fully-fledged observability engine, and we would love to get some feedback or suggestions. To give you a glance at our 2024 roadmap, we planned to focus on Kibana/OpenDashboard integration, metrics support, and pipe-based query language. [0] Searching the web for under $1000/month: [1] Release blog post: [2] Open Source Repo: [3] Home Page: